Safety Tips

Unfortunately, the rate of car theft in South Africa is rife and, even with a car tracking unit installed, there is no way we can guarantee that your car will not be stolen.

We’ve put together a few tips to help you improve your safety on South African roads and decrease chances of ever having to use the panic button of your stolen vehicle recovery tracking service.

1. Lock Up

Always lock your doors when driving and keep valuables out of sight. If your window must be open, make sure it isn’t wide enough for a hand to fit through.

2. Space Out

Make sure there is enough space between your car and the car in front of you at a traffic light or stop street. You need to be able to see the rear tyres of the car in front of you to have enough space to drive off if necessary.

3. Be Vigilant

Be aware of loiterers or anyone approaching your car at a traffic light, stop street or in your driveway. If you feel unsafe, drive away.

4. Park Safe

Always park your vehicle in a secure spot – parking garages or areas with a closed-circuit camera – and never leave any valuables in the car.

5. Avoid the jam

Car jamming is a real thing. Make sure your car is locked once parked by testing your doors. Car thieves can jam your alarm system and disappear with your car within minutes.

6. Track your car

Yes, it’s not a guarantee, but a car tracking unit greatly improves your chances of recovering your vehicle, if it does get stolen. Fill in the form now and we’ll help you find the best vehicle tracking option for your needs.

What our clients have to say:

"Great service; the best and quickest service I have ever used. I will always use and advise others to use as well."
- Susan de Beer

"Peace of mind is priceless, I think this service is worth using, and at such a low price, it is really amazing!"
- Thulani Ntombi

"I manage a fleet of cars, and the savings made by simply comparing quotes are amazing, it makes business sense."
- Max Wilson